Denim Jacket | X | Eddie Bauer
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Vintage Eddie Bauer Denim Jacket in size X-Large. Iconic 2000s style. Gently worn, but still in great condition. Embrace the cool vibes with this authentic jacket.
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Vintage Eddie Bauer Denim Jacket in size X-Large. Iconic 2000s style. Gently worn, but still in great condition. Embrace the cool vibes with this authentic jacket.
Vintage Eddie Bauer Denim Jacket in size X-Large. This iconic denim jacket from the early 2000s is the perfect addition to any fashionable wardrobe. With its timeless design and durable construction, it offers both style and function. While gently worn and with a few minor signs of use, this jacket is still in great condition, scoring an 8 out of 10. Embrace the effortlessly cool vibes of the 00s with this authentic Eddie Bauer denim jacket.
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